Temporary Staffing Trend

According to staffing industry analysts, temporary staffing is a trend that companies in all industries are pursuing more due to the uncertainty of today’s economy. This trend is not expected to die out either. Utilizing temporary staff prevents employers from fully committing to an employee or employees on a permanent basis. This decreases overhead costs greatly! To determine if your organization could benefit, ask yourself, “Is my organization…”

…experiencing an increase in demand for products and/or services?

Are sales numbers unexpectedly rising? Although this is almost always a good thing, you probably don’t have enough staff in your organization to effectively control the traffic your currently driving. Unfortunately, since the success is unexpected and you are clearly unprepared, don’t run the risk of hiring full-time positions in case business returns to normal.

Realize very quickly that this sudden success may or may not be sustainable. Temporary staffing is a solution that allows you to fill positions based on demand, without offering benefits and long-term agreements. If the recent success of your company seems like it will be something maintainable, however, you can always change the status of the employee, and offer them a full-time position. But do so at your leisure, and don’t feel pressured to hire full-time with temporary alternatives at your disposal.

…entering our busiest part of the year?

Is your company’s peak season around the corner? Need more employees around to fulfill the rush, yet don’t want to financially commit full-time, because they’re not needed in a few months? This is a great problem to have and temporary staffing is an even greater solution. Hire employees for seasonal positions. Who knows, you may even be able to create a streamline of your own. For example, from the temporary hires you’ve created for the holiday season, let’s say a few recruits stand out.

If this is the case, you can keep these employees who did well during their tenure as a temporary hire and utilize them in case one of your full-time persons leave a position. Since they were a part of your company during the busy season, you don’t have to retrain them or hire from scratch. They already have experience operating in your organization and will fit right in their new full-time role.

…losing an employee due to sudden leave of absence?

Is someone in your office with a major role taking a leave of absence at a critical point in time for the company? Although this absolutely isn’t the greatest thing that could happen, it happens! No one likes to see it as an employer but it’s simply reality. Face reality, and move forward! Prepare for possible changes like this with the help of temporary staffing. Don’t let your company’s opportunity for success get caught in the cold due to one employee’s need for a “break.” Be prepared!

…implementing a new program or a major project?

Have an idea for a new segment of business you’d like to experiment with within your organization? Or are you implementing a new program that you need some administrative help with? Sure you don’t have the necessary time for outsourcing employees who are qualified for these positions. Nor do you have time to review resumes or schedule interviews. Well, there is certainly no surprise there! Hire qualified employees with the necessary professional skill sets to get the job done. Once they have completed the job, these temporary hires can move on to the next project you have to offer, when that time presents itself.

The Benefits of Temporary Staffing

The benefits of hiring temporary staff are great and often time overlooked. With temporary staffing, your organization will experience reduced labor costs and increased flexibility. Contact us today to work with an experienced staffing agency. We have an amazing Job Search page that makes it easy to both share and find open positions. You can learn more about our staffing services here