There are many benefits of using a professional staffing firm. The benefits apply to both small and large companies. Overall, professional staffing agencies are dedicated to identifying and matching the highest qualified candidates with the job opening at hand. Whether large or small, companies cannot afford to have positions remain vacant for long, and cannot sustain the increased workload on existing workers for long periods without negative impacts. The reasons to consider using a staffing agency include the following:
The first benefit of using a staffing agency is that they allow you to focus on running your business. The staffing agency will interview your organization to develop a clear position description that required experience and education and get information about your office culture. All of these factors are used by the staffing agency to identify and recruit the types of professionals that an organization needs. While an organization continues to focus on its core services, the staffing agency is screening potential candidates who meet and exceed all requirements. Once highly qualified candidates are screened and ranked for presentation, the staffing agency works with your team to assist with the next steps. Some organizations prefer to review the resumes of the top 3-5 candidates prior to interviews. Other organizations prefer to have top candidates scheduled directly for interviews. The staffing agency will schedule interviews, and assist with the decision-making process. ATHENA provides a variety of tools for hiring including interview questions, scoring sheets, and personality testing. All of these stages are completed while the hiring organization is focusing on growth and services.
A second benefit of using a professional staffing agency is cost savings. Staffing agencies recruit, interview, and hire much faster than organizations. Reduced vacancies equate to full productivity. Allowing professionals to continue with their roles without being pulled into hiring, maintains operations and efficiency.
Organizations often try to go it alone to refill vacancies. Their normal process is to advertise on the job boards, then wait. Staffing agencies actively source candidates all year and have access to passive job seekers. Staffing agencies network to find the best professionals for each position. While placing ads on job boards can solicit resumes, it only reaches those who are looking at the time the ads are running. Staffing agencies maintain tens of thousands of candidates in a database that are matched to job requirements.
ATHENA Consulting is a professional staffing agency that specializes in recruiting and placing health and human services professionals. We even have an entire page with all available job positions. To learn more about our services, click here.