Previously, we touched on two ways job-seekers can better their chances when finding work. Whether it’s temporary aspirations or career jump starts, the best recruitment agencies have provided their clients with amazing employees and have solved many vacancy issues in tons of offices across the nation. However, as mentioned in the first portion of this article, many times the opportunities for job seekers are overlooked simply because as prospective employees, many are unfamiliar with the process of staffing agencies. This starts with the approach taken by the job-seeker when finding a recruitment firm.
Choosing Between Staffing Firms.
The first step we discussed, detailed ways to “find the right people.” Not every agency or firm is the right fit for you. You must first be able to differentiate staffing firms based on your personal career needs. The second step we discussed, was ways to “be prepared” as the candidate selling yourself to a recruiter. If you missed it, click here for part one. In this second half, I’ll release two additional steps or tips you should implement when working with a staffing firm to start or continue your career.
Make an Impact.
If you are new to the job market, you can’t expect staffing firms to find you. You must make the first step since you’re not on anyone’s radar just yet. The first step is uploading your resume to the staffing agency’s database online via their website. Afterward, you should immediately contact the staffing firm by phone and ask to speak to a Recruiter. Explain your career goals, and detail your experiences no matter how little or how much you have. Keep an open relationship with the Recruiter, as he or she could be the door opener for you. He or she is also in a position to give you advice, as they know more about the position or the client who is interested in filling vacancies.
If you’re not immediately selected for a position, make sure your resume remains in the database or pool for prospective clients who may hire the staffing agency down the road. Regardless if you’re selected for the position or not, by following this step, you’ve become a stronger candidate and have improved your chances for the next opportunity available.
Take the recruiter’s advice. After all, it’s their job to provide qualified candidates. Whatever tips or advice are offered to you by a staffing firm, are a plus. Take this time to learn more about your desired industry, clean up your resume, ask for interview tips and find the best way to present yourself in the best possible light to employers. Don’t simply listen, apply the knowledge you’re receiving! Listen to their guidance and follow it. Remember, staffing agencies are experts at finding talent and finding employment opportunities. Remember this is THEIR job!
Apply both of these tips when considering employment via staffing firms, and I assure you your career is in good hands!
To view all current available openings, visit our Job Search page.
Source: hubspot