Business networking is a vital strategy job seekers must learn how to leverage to maintain a competitive edge against other applicants. Business networking is all about creating and building connections that can help lead you to the right people, or the right job. And while networking might take more nuance and hard work than sending out job applications, it is incredibly effective in how it leads to professional growth.

Building these personal relationships through business networking is essential for accessing new opportunities, industry insights, and connections that can help you succeed. If you are feeling unsure about business networking because you’re worried you might come off as self-serving, or you just don’t know how to navigate these types of conversations, keep reading to understand the importance of business networking and tips on how to build these connections.

Benefits of Business Networking

Business networking can be one of the best tools to find a job because you can find new job opportunities, gain industry knowledge and make valuable connections in your chosen field. People tend to do business with people they know and trust and being able to gain that trust or connection can be a key step in coming closer to your dream job.

Job applications aren’t always personal enough and being just one file in a large stack of resumes won’t get you far. But you can set yourself apart by business networking, and if you come as a recommended candidate from a business professional there is a much higher chance you’re getting an interview.

Business networking can also help you find jobs that aren’t on traditional job boards with connections letting you know about a job before it’s officially announced. This extra bit of time can help to give you an advantage and set you apart. Business networking can also help create a strong support system while you are job searching, which can be a stressful experience. Having people in your corner with career advice or support can be extremely helpful to both your confidence and your job search.

Business Networking Tips

Now that you know how effective business networking can significantly enhance your job search, here are some tips for how to start the process if you’re nervous. One of the first steps is to list everyone in your network such as people from past jobs, school, social groups, and even casual interactions to see if they can be helpful. When you reach out to people it’s important to be clear about your goals. Tell them what types of roles you are looking for and why. This can help your network provide relevant support and look out for specific opportunities.

One of the first people you should reach out to are your professional references as these are the people who can vouch for your skills and character. Attending industry events or joining professional groups is another great way to meet people in your field.

However, it’s important to understand that business networking is all about relationship-building, rather than just job-seeking. So, approaching contacts authentically and seeking advice rather than asking for direct job offers or favors will lead you to more meaningful relationships and success down the line. Helping and sharing useful information can also create a reciprocal relationship which is always helpful because the more you invest in others, the more likely they are to support your job search.

Maintaining your network is just as important as building it. Follow up after meetings to maintain lasting connections; regularly reconnect and offer support. Even personal touches like birthday greetings or thoughtful gifts can help you stay memorable. By connecting purposefully, you enhance your network’s value and effectiveness.

Learn more about ATHENA

Business networking is a powerful tool for job seekers who want to connect with potential employers and move their careers forward. By diving into networking activities, candidates can build meaningful relationships, boost their professional visibility, and gain valuable insights into the job market. Staffing and consulting firms that help facilitate effective business networking ensure that the right candidates are being placed in the right roles, driving success. To learn more about Athena’s network of employers and job candidates, please click here.