Here at ATHENA, we understand the importance of achieving a healthy work life balance. Juggling your personal life, relationships, and outside interests can be tricky when there is also a pressure to meet deadlines and work around the clock. Maintaining a work life balance is crucial to keep stress levels down and productivity levels up. Because balancing your workload and your personal interests can be beneficial not just for your mental health but can also be essential for organizational success. Mental Health America has reported on new research that indicates chronic stress can double the risk of a heart attack, a statistic scary enough to raise your blood pressure! Read their work life balance article for mental health tips on how to manage stress at work. Our mission to make our clients’ lives easier includes supporting our employees in finding their own personal work life balance. Keep reading for tips on how to achieve this balance.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead can tremendously help you create and maintain a work life balance on both a micro and macro level. For day-to-day balance, look at your daily calendar and see how many meetings you have or how you can best rearrange your day for max productivity. While on a larger scale, looking to see when you are most busy can help you plan time with your loved ones or get to that one activity you’ve been trying to schedule. Don’t be afraid to set strong boundaries so that you can have a reliable personal life.

Designate Time

This goes alongside planning, but designating time in your day to do certain tasks can help you stay productive and ahead of schedule. Pay attention to when your most productive work time is, or what time you most like to check your messages or take meetings and schedule your day accordingly. This can help you avoid constantly checking your email and can create structure in your day which can lead to more free time.

Don’t Skip Lunch

Whether you work from home or the office, sometimes it can be hard to get away for your lunch break. One of the easiest changes you can make to your day to achieve a successful work life balance is to take time for your lunch break. You can go out for lunch with colleagues or make something fresh at home. Either way, the act of taking a break and nourishing yourself for lunch can make a tremendous difference in your workday.

Create a Routine

Similarly, to making time for lunch, creating a day-to-day routine can help you get into work life balance mindset and ritual more easily. Find a workout class, or a fun hobby to do after work to make you excited and boost your energy. Creating this routine can help you feel more creative and settled in your work, and therefore increase your productivity.


One of the most underrated tips for creating a work life balance is communication. This can look like setting clear boundaries with yourself and your work, talking with your colleagues about your schedule and workload, and even seeking support from your employer or a professional to help ease your workload and prioritize your time.

Achieving work life balance is a commitment that requires dedication and support. ATHENA is committed to helping our clients find this balance to foster a more harmonious, productive, and satisfying work environment. To learn more about how our core values guide our approach to work life balance and overall employee well-being, please visit our core values page to learn more.