There was once a time in America when one could spend his or her entire career at one single company or organization. Those days are long gone though! According to the Labor Statistics of the United States, today most working-class citizens will switch an average of seven times before finally retiring. What has led to this dramatic shift you ask? Well, there isn’t just one answer. Some, including labor analysts, would consider a variety of factors that may have created this turn.

For starters, our society as a whole is more mobile in today’s day and change. Not many families or even sole individuals want to stay tied down anymore. Opportunities are more feasible, for most and the expectation or the desire to stay put in the same community isn’t as imaginative as it maybe once was. Can’t forget about the economic concerns. From the standpoint of our economy, market trends and labor costs have experienced a lot of turbulence over the last few decades. Often, companies that find themselves between a rock and a hard place are forced to order layoffs just to make ends meet.

With all this in mind, ask yourself, do you have job security? If the answer is no, we’ve provided you with a few tips for career changes, or simply a “plan b.”

Save Something. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Most of us are, and it’s because we have to build a safety net. Give yourself some financial cushion and start setting aside funds for each check. After just a few months, you’ll notice that you have a good amount saved.

Do More. Never allow yourself to get too comfortable with your craft or too comfortable with your company. Make yourself more valuable by continuing to progress at whatever skill you’ve adapted. This makes you a vital team member at your current job and raises the eyebrow of other companies who may be looking for the talents you offer.

Network. Keep your professional relationships alive. Again don’t ever get too comfortable! When this happens, you’re allowing yourself to be set up. Many have ridden the career high, only to have the horse run out of breath and end up on the low end of the stick. The advantage of having a large pool of professional contacts is having the ability to reach those contacts when you need career guidance.

Stay Up To Date. Be ready in case of any emergency. Time is precious job seekers and prospective employers love promptness. With that said, have your resume and cover letter ready on demand. Keep it updated every month, so when change occurs you’re on top of it. Have those other vital pieces like recommendation letters polished and ready to be handed out. Remember, time is of the essence. Filling vacancies wait on no one.

Keep Calm. This next tip will come across as a bit insensitive, but don’t panic. Have no fear, you are not the only person looking for a job. Having a plan b ready and prepared to go at any moment, is what wins half the battle for you.

These tips were primarily geared toward prospective employees, but they can easily be used by those with an existing career as well. So, don’t hesitate to share this article with your peers. For more job-seeking advice from a staffing firm, visit our blog and contact us if you have additional questions!
