Going through the interview process can be nerve wracking, but it’s a positive sign in your job search. Being well prepared can help you answer with thoughtful responses and stand out in the vast pool of candidates. Additionally, the interview provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the organization and the role. And while each interview and organization is unique, there are common questions that you can prep to feel more confident and capable in the interview process. Keep reading for job interview tips, trends, and common questions to know so that you can showcase your interview skills and impress your interviewers.

 Job Interview Tips for Video Interviews

One job interview trend that has increased in usage since the pandemic is video interviews. They have gained popularity due to their convenience, but they can present some challenges as a candidate trying to make personal connections or if there are technical difficulties. An important job interview tip for video interviews is to test your equipment and software to make sure your internet connection is stable as well as practicing your soft skills to engage with your interviewers.

Job Interview Trend: Structured Questions

Companies are increasingly using structured interviews to even the playing field for candidates because they provide a reliable and consistent approach. Structured questions are when hiring managers ask the same questions in the same order and use the same scoring criteria for each applicant. This is also a way to make questions as objective as possible, and as wide ranging as possible, to help make a fair and informed decision on each candidate. An important job interview tip for answering structured questions is to ensure that each answer ties back to the criteria outlined in the job description.

Job Interview Trend: Behavioral Interviews

Hiring managers are increasingly using behavioral interviews as companies want to understand how candidates will handle real world situations. Behavioral interviews tend to involve asking candidates to describe a past situation that demonstrates their personality, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. A job interview tip for answering behavioral interview questions is to review past job experiences and outline key experiences that you can recall back to where you demonstrated skills relevant to the role you’re interviewing for.

Job Interview Tips: Questions to Practice

Here are some common questions you can practice, helping increase your confidence going into your interview:

  • “Can you describe a time when you faced a significant challenge at work?”
    • Prep: This is a common question you will see and it’s important to have some ideas of specific instances from past jobs that you can refer to. While answering it can also be helpful to use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) method to emphasize your problem-solving skills.
  • “How do you prioritize your tasks when managing multiple projects?”
    • Prep: To prepare for this question it’s important to reflect on your typical approach and your usual methods for prioritizing tasks, such as using lists or scheduling. Share examples of how you effectively managed competing deadlines and ensured successful outcomes in the past.
  • “Give an example of a project you led and how you ensured its success.”
    • Prep: With this question the company is looking to see you as a leader. Talk about a project where you played a key role and highlight your leadership, planning, and execution skills.

Keep these job interview tips and trends in mind as you continue your job search. To learn more about opportunities with ATHENA and to see how we prioritize professional growth, support innovative thinking, and maintain a strong commitment to work-life balance, click here. We strive to take care of our employees in every way, empower our team members through continuous learning and collaboration, and ensure that they have the resources and environment needed to excel. Contact us here to learn why joining ATHENA could be the right choice for your future.