If you opened this blog, I’m sure by now you are aware of the advantages of staffing firms and the history behind the conception of these companies. If you are an employer and you still don’t know about the advantages of staffing firms, nor are you knowledgeable of the history behind staffing firms, please take this time to read those articles before reading this one. It’ll make the learning curve a lot easier to understand, trust me.

Although there are many great aspects of staffing firms, they aren’t all the same. Many staffing firms provide lackluster service. It’s not intended to be a terrible staffing firm, but some agencies’ practices are actually subpar. Three examples below are areas to monitor when selecting a staffing firm for your company. Some of these examples are easier to target than others, but I felt it was necessary to include them all so at least you can keep them in the back of your mind during the process of finding a suitable agency.

1. The Talent Pool

According to the Florida State University Career Center, a fifth of America’s employers rely on the acquisitions and experience of staffing firms. It is said that a temp agency must maintain a large enough talent pool to serve the staffing needs of its entire demographic area. There was once a time when a staffing agency only provided employees suitable for clerk administration or office staff. Time has certainly changed. Due to the economy and the difficulty of finding a job today, staffing agencies are not equipped with highly educated professionals. Accountants, physicians and computer programmers, (just to name a few) are all at the disposal of staffing agencies these days. This should definitely give the staffing firm you choose a greater chance of providing you with the right talent.

2. The Dishonesty

Make sure the staffing solution you select thoroughly checks their prospective hires. View your company as your “baby.” Would you let just anyone babysit for your child? Before answering that question, let me first…of course not! Before running off on a date with your significant other, you’d need to feel a sense of comfort, knowing that the teenager you assigned to watch your child for a few hours is experienced and will create no harm to your child. The same mentality should go for your organization! Talent agencies should go over and beyond during the screening process. Skills tests, contacting former employers, background checks, and interviews should be almost mandatory for any staffing firm that takes their clients’ success seriously. Now of course not all staffing agencies will take these necessary measures. So again I ask, would you want this firm to represent your baby?

3. The Competition

Keeping business going for a staffing firm is the same as keeping the lights on for any company. Competition arises and clients can be gained and lost at a moment’s notice. In this industry, firms lowering their cost for business usually mean lesser-qualified candidates provided. Now on the other hand, in order to keep good candidates in your database, a staffing agency must consistently provide work. Otherwise, you’ll notice your candidates leaving for the same firm that stole your client! It’s a double-edged sword, and staffing firms must be flexible for longevity.

The best staffing solutions are those who interact frequently with both the employer and the employee. Having a great relationship on both ends creates a successful environment for all parties involved.

Choose Athena

At Athena, we provide customized staffing solutions for each of our clients with successful placements across the United States. We even have a comprehensive Jobs Search page with all of our current open positions. Learn more about our staffing services here and send us an email to get started today.