With the potential to streamline the hiring process as well as increased availability, the use of AI hiring tools and technologies has skyrocketed and garnered national attention. While these AI hiring tools have fruitful benefits, it’s important to understand the necessity of maintaining a human touch in the hiring process to protect against biases. Several states have already drafted laws or have begun to regulate the use of AI in hiring, although there is no universal standard.

Laws in Maryland and Illinois require employers to obtain consent before utilizing AI in some elements of the hiring process and a new law in New York City focuses on AI bias and transparency. For example, Maryland prohibits the use of facial recognition for identifying job candidates while laws in Illinois and NYC are aimed at preventing employers from gathering personal data from applicants when making decisions. At the time of writing, California, Colorado, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, and Virginia have also drafted legislation to restrict artificial intelligence in employment processes.

Protecting Against Biases in AI Hiring

One of the biggest reasons to maintain a human touch in AI hiring is to protect against potential biases from AI. Due to how the AI learns and trains, bias can easily get introduced to the AI technology and it can end up perpetuating discriminatory hiring practices. For example, according to SHRM, a top organization related to human resources, there is higher potential for racial discrimination as well as discrimination against people with disabilities, especially with video-based screenings.

Complexities Within the AI Hiring Process

Another important reason for continuing human touch in AI hiring is because of the nuanced decisions required throughout the hiring process. While AI might help with efficiency, it is harder for algorithms to understand contextual clues, emotional intelligence, or other factors that come naturally for an employee in human resources. Human recruiters can also adapt to changes in the industry or requested changes to the process quicker and easier than AI technologies.

Communication and Emotional Intelligence

Like the reason above, human oversight is needed for more personalized communication and follow-ups. Rejecting candidates is inevitable, but having an employee craft the communication can create more meaningful, respectful, and productive feedback to the candidate whereas AI hiring tools could lack warmth and personalization. Also, unforeseen circumstances might come up throughout the process that an AI technology might not be equipped to handle or understand these allowances.

Experience and Connection

Searching for the right candidate isn’t always about having the perfect job experience but also about finding someone who fits into the workplace culture and can establish personal connections with fellow employees as well as the company’s mission. A human can more easily understand this dynamic from a candidate as well as a candidate is more likely to understand the culture of a company when dealing with a person instead of enduring an overly automated AI hiring process.

ATHENA Consulting provides this personal touch when staffing positions for our clients. We understand deeply our clients’ work culture, their unique hiring needs, and match candidates for positions seamlessly for our clients. Contact us to learn more or to discuss your hiring needs.