Job seekers, does “content marketing” ring a bell? The definition by business standards defines “content marketing” as the marketing and business process for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience, with the objective of driving profitable customer action. So take the business aspect of the definition and make it more personable.

How can you capture an employer’s attention? The answer as a prospective employee is demonstrating your expertise and providing them with your perspective. This will make you stand out among the clutter of other candidates for the position. How can you do this? Instead of telling the employer what you can do, show them! Provide content that delivers your perspectives and expertise on a nice platter:

• Create a simple slideshow with 5-10 tips to solve a common problem reflecting your industry experience.

• Begin a professional blog where you share your thoughts in response to news and trends in your industry.

• Record podcasts to share your perspectives or to hold dialogues with your peers.

• Become an active participant in online discussions among your professional peers.

Now, these suggestions above may sound intense, but understand they’re the same measures companies take to brand themselves to communicate with prospective clients. Why can’t you provide these same resources for yourself individually as prospective hires?

Ready to go a step further? Have you used social media to pick up a job? You probably spend the majority of your idle time on social media platforms anyway, well let’s put it to some use where it’s beneficial to your career. Your resume is already on LinkedIn, but here are some other ways you can use social media platforms to incorporate your professional experience with:

• Tweeting (Twitter) a series of key attributes from your resume with a link to download the full CV/LinkedIn profile.

• Creating a Pinterest resume that uses images and captions to illustrate your professional experience, personality, skillsets, and LinkedIn recommendations.

• Create an infographic of your resume by using the free application.

• Consider a Vine or YouTube video version of your resume.

• Use Instagram to tell your story about your resume and the person behind it.

I can remember one time applying for a job via Twitter by creating a meme that demonstrated my ability to entertain and provoke emotion. I made the meme searchable by including the trending topic chosen for me and I saw nearly 20 other applications “applying” for the position the same way. Out of the nearly 20 applicants, my tweet was replied to and I made it to the next round. Using the tips provided you’ll be able to create your own content marketing for your personal brand and stand out from the crowd.

If you missed part one of this article, click here or continue learning how you can brand yourself as a prospective employee in part three. Feel free to utilize these new tips while browsing through current listings on our Job Search page!
